contact more is more.
The quickest way to get in touch with the More is More staff is through our Facebook and Twitter pages. If you have additional questions or comments you can also reach us at
the corporate executive team
Alexander Muñoz
Alexander is a high school senior at St. Mark's School of Texas. He regularly competes in mathematic tournaments and has conducted independent scientific research in material science and chemical engineering. But beneath his logical shell, there exists a softer interior. He founded More is More after hearing the words of a client in Dallas's Austin Street Center. His deep passion to help others is matched only by a willingness to spread his thrill for the More is More movement. Alexander is CEO.
Nicholas Brodsky
Nick is a high school senior at St. Mark's School of Texas. Besides being an acclaimed photographer, Nick is also immersed in a rocket construction project. Nick has nurtured the More is More movement from the start, staying up late and waking up early for business meetings. If there was one word to describe Nick it would be "determined." Through the best and worst of times, Nick has kept his head up, ready to bring our community together. Nick is Senior Vice President.
Gabrielle Muñoz
Gabrielle is a high school junior at The Hockaday School. A master linguist, she often finds joy in the diversity of other cultures. As a seasoned world traveller, Gabrielle recently spent a full summer abroad in Amman, Jordan. Citing her rich cultural experiences while advising the company on new ideas, Gabrielle brings a global perspective to the More is More movement. Gabrielle is a member of the Board of Directors.